Open Source Activities for July 2024
Last month was busier than normal, as I attended DebConf24 and was therefore able to spend quite a bit of focused time on packaging work. Also, this post covers from the end of June with the Incus v6.0.1 release through August 5th when I did my final packaging work for DebConf while waiting for my flight at the Incheon airport.
- Incus v6.0.1 LTS was uploaded to unstable and bookworm-backports
- OpenRCT2 v0.4.12 and then v0.4.13 were uploaded to unstable and bookworm-backports
- Attended DebCamp and DebConf24 in Busan, South Korea!
- Thanks to the tremendous work of Reinhard Tartler, Shengjing Zhu and I worked with him to update a small army of golang packages in unstable to package current versions of docker, containerd, etcd, and libpod for Debian

DebConf24 Group Photo (photo credit to Aigars Mahinovs), CC-BYv3+ or GPLv2+
Areas of particular focus
While at DebConf, I focused some time on general bug triaging for Incus and lxc-related bugs. I spent a majority of my time helping with the Go Team’s gRPC/protobuf transition, which enabled uploading of newer versions of docker, containerd, etcd, and libpod (more details below). Finally, I also spent some time tilting at the big-endian windmill for a package recently uploaded (golang-github-goccy-go-json), and ended up ultimately patching this dependency out of another library so I could update it.
Debian packaging work
Sponsored the following packages
- golang-github-aymanbagabas-go-udiff (NEW)
Uploaded the following NEW packages
- golang-github-aead-minisign
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-backoff
- Filed upstream bug
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-blackmagic
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-httpcc
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-httprc
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-iter
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-jwx
- Filed upstream bug
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-option
- golang-github-minio-colorjson
- golang-github-minio-filepath
- golang-github-minio-mux
- golang-github-minio-pkg
- golang-github-minio-selfupdate
Updated the following packages in unstable
- dqlite
- gobgp
- golang-github-armon-go-proxyproto
- golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite
- golang-github-casbin-govaluate
- golang-github-eapache-go-resiliency
- golang-github-goccy-go-json
- golang-github-go-ini-ini
- golang-github-go-jose-go-jose
- golang-github-go-kit-kit
- golang-github-go-macaroon-bakery-macaroon-bakery
- golang-github-juju-loggo
- golang-github-juju-testing
- golang-github-lestrrat-go-jwx
- golang-github-minio-madmin-go
- golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7
- golang-github-openfga-go-sdk
- golang-github-ovn-org-libovsdb
- golang-github-pkg-xattr
- golang-github-sercand-kuberesolver
- golang-github-tinylib-msgp
- golang-github-xo-terminfo
- golang-github-zitadel-oidc
- golang-k8s-utils
- incus
- lxc-ci
- nats-server
- openrct2
- openrct2-objects
Filed RM bugs for the following packages
- golang-github-census-instrumentation-opencensus-proto
- golang-github-grafana-grafana-plugin-model
gRPC/protobuf transition
Earlier this year, Reinhard Tartler had staged a lot of updates in experimental that would unblock the uploading of newer versions of docker, containerd, and libpod into Debian. Those packages were quite old and we wanted to get them updated for the upcoming trixie release. Over the course of about a week and a half, Reinhard, Shengjing Zhu, and I worked on uploading a small army of packages to unstable culminating in successful transition of packages into testing. There’s some ongoing cleanup work that’s being done and a smaller round of updated packages being prepared, but we achieved a pretty significant transition with minimal unexpected difficulties.
Along the way, I also worked on updating etcd to its latest released version and uploaded it to unstable.
Packages I helped to update and/or upload from experimental to unstable
- badger
- caddy
- containerd
- docker
- docker-libkv
- etcd
- garagemq
- golang-collectd
- golang-github-containerd-btrfs
- golang-github-containerd-cgroups
- golang-github-containerd-go-cni
- golang-github-containerd-go-runc
- golang-github-containerd-log
- golang-github-containers-buildah
- golang-github-coreos-bbolt
- golang-github-deckarep-golang-set
- golang-github-denverdino-aliyungo
- golang-github-denverdino-aliyungo
- golang-github-expediadotcom-haystack-client-go
- golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient
- golang-github-googleapis-gnostic
- golang-github-google-cel-go
- golang-github-google-certificate-transparency
- Filed upstream bug
- golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware
- golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-prometheus
- golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway
- Filed upstream bug
- golang-github-hashicorp-go-discover
- golang-github-lightstep-lightstep-tracer-common
- golang-github-mitchellh-hashstructure
- golang-github-nats-io-go-nats
- golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder
- golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-grpc
- golang-github-openzipkin-zipkin-go
- golang-github-smallstep-nosql
- golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt
- golang-gitlab-gitlab-org-labkit
- golang-google-genproto
- golang-google-grpc
- golang-go.opencensus
- golang-opentelemetry-otel
- golang-opentelemetry-proto
- google-guest-agent (via #1077779)
- libpod
- nextcloud-spreed-signaling
- notary
- opensnitch
- rootlesskit
I also filed #1077894, FTBFS on 32bit systems, for golang-google-api.
Other items
- Filed, highlighting a licensing issue with a newly added song
- Participated in the DebConf24 continual keysigning party, ultimately signing 60 public keys
All work was done on a volunteer basis, although I did receive a travel and food bursary to attend DebConf.